
Pro Mujer Announces a Partnership with Hugo Business to Provide Digital Inclusion Tools to Entrepreneurs in Nicaragua

11 febrero, 2022


In the digital age, the business ecosystem has had to adapt to the needs of its clientele, continually innovate and reach places it has never been. For example, with just one click and from the comfort of their homes, people make purchases safely and quickly through apps or online. As a result, and due to the increasingly digital world created by COVID-19, having a physical business location and using traditional payment systems to sell products are no longer sufficient for women entrepreneurs seeking to grow their businesses.  

To expand opportunities for women entrepreneurs and increase digital inclusion in Latin America, Pro Mujer is partnering with Hugo Business, a digital platform for women entrepreneurs to make online sales and receive payments through QR codes. The partnership will provide the more than 42,000 entrepreneurs in Nicaragua who are part of Pro Mujer’s network with opportunities to digitize payments, expand sales and grow their businesses. 

“Expanding financial inclusion includes equipping women entrepreneurs with the tools they need to grow their businesses and take them to the next level, which, above all, requires prioritizing the digital inclusion of these women,” said Gloria Ruiz, general director of Pro Mujer in Nicaragua. “We thank Hugo Business for joining us in our mission to support women entrepreneurs who, through their businesses, seek to build a better future for their communities.” 

A recent survey carried out by Pro Mujer aimed at understanding the gaps and current needs of women entrepreneurs in Nicaragua, found that only 26% of women have used some type of digital tool (social networks, website, store online) to sell their products and 43% of women would like to have more technological tools to both sell more and acquire more customers. 

Through this partnership, Pro Mujer seeks to continue strengthening digital financial inclusion so that Latin American women continue to prosper in their businesses and communities. 

Learn more about Pro Mujer’s financial inclusion and digital inclusion initiatives.