Advancing gender equality in Latin America

Pro mujer approach

Pro Mujer is a leading organization in Latin America that champions gender equality and the health, skilling, and economic rights of diverse women and girls, in all their intersecting identities.

Consultancy Services

Pro Mujer works with corporate and financial sector players, multilateral organizations, and governments to build awareness and develop their capacity to create more gender-equitable interventions or products within their own operations. From accompanying institutional first steps, to developing and advancing investment strategies and products, Pro Mujer offers a full range of consultancy and support services to advance the development of tailor-made initiatives that tap on the opportunities posed by gender equality.

Gender Hub

We strengthen the gender hub ecosystem in Latin America by convening those driving it, creating the networks, knowledge, market data, and communities of practice among investors that are active or interested in the field.
Through our annual flagship event: the GLI Forum, we connect investors, market influencers, thought leaders, and experts to the resources, tools, and networks that foster gender equality.

Resources and Tools

For over 30 years Pro Mujer has built evidence and research on the status of women and girls in Latin America and shares its knowledge as a public good to influence further advancement of gender equality.

Consultancy services

Pro Mujer offers strategic advisory, training, and tailor-made technical assistance to help corporate and financial sector players, multilateral organizations, and governments progress in their gender equality work and goals. Including:

  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategies

  • Gender Mainstreaming (incorporating a gender perspective across business operations)

  • Impact Investing with a Gender Lens

  • Monitoring, Evaluating & Learning

  • Program Design

  • Mentorship and Strategic Advisory

Our expertise


Gender Knowledge Coordinator

Tomas Gonzalez Bergez

Our diverse and multidisciplinary team has decades of international expertise in formulating and implementing gender equality policies and programs. Our team is composed of professionals with different backgrounds such as gender, management, impact investment, impact management and reporting, development, and public policy with vast experience in the public, private, and non-governmental sectors.


The excellence and creativity of each of our professionals allow us to create tailor-made solutions for our clients.

We scale progress by working with our partners, universities, and organizations, such as Acrux Partners, with significant experience in impact investment to maximize our knowledge and, therefore, expand gender equality.

Contact US

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Some of our work

Ilu Women’s Empowerment Program


Ilu Women’s Empowerment Program


In 2021, as part of the Ilu Women’s Empowerment Fund project, Pro Mujer and its partner Deetken Impact received $1.3 million USD from USAID to create the Ilu Women’s Empowerment Program to provide technical assistance and online training to companies in Latin America and the Caribbean on how to add gender strategies. As part of the program, an Ilu Toolbox was created. It is an open-source platform with over 30 resources to help companies address gender gaps and implement strategies to attract gender hub using four lenses.

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Mainstreaming Gender Smart Investment Strategies among Institutional and Commercial Investors in Latin America


Mainstreaming Gender Smart Investment Strategies among Institutional and Commercial Investors in Latin America


To adequately respond to the growing inequalities in accessing capital, Pro Mujer and Acrux Partners -with the support of USAID via DAI/Invest- have teamed up to mainstream gender lens into the investment strategies, practices and internal policies of relevant financial sector actors in Latin America through:

  • Providing financial sector players with tailor-made technical assistance and training to make diverse, gender-focused, evidence-based decisions in their investment strategies and internal procedures;
  • Promoting capacity building with tools and resources across institutions’ operations;
  • Developing a comprehensive open-source platform of resources to host all pertinent research, tools, and case studies that make the case for evidence-based gender hub and motivate other actors to incorporate these strategies across the board;
  • Contributing to the emerging field of gender hub by providing relevant tools for the financial sector that can be used to tackle gender inequalities.

Financing instruments for women entrepreneurs and companies led by women in LAC


Financing instruments for women entrepreneurs and companies led by women in LAC

ACRUX & UN WOMEN - Regional Office

In partnership with Acrux and UN Women, Pro Mujer developed a proposal for the Design, Structuring, and Piloting of an innovative financing instrument with a gender perspective to finance women entrepreneurs and companies led by women in LAC.

Strategy to incorporate gender perspectives in the financial ecosystem of Bolivia


Strategy to incorporate gender perspectives in the financial ecosystem of Bolivia

ACRUX & UN WOMEN - Bolivia

In partnership with Acrux and UN Women, Pro Mujer prepared a proposal for the development and implementation of a gender perspective strategy in Bolivia focusing on the most used gender lenses for impact investments.

Mapping of investments with gender perspectives in Chile


Mapping of investments with gender perspectives in Chile


This study was part of the UN Women program “Win-Win: Gender Equality Means Good Business” and was led, among others, by María Laura Tinelli, Director of Acrux Partners and Strategic Business Development Manager at Pro Mujer. The specialists explored the status of gender lens investment in Chile and its challenges and barriers.

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Strategy to incorporate gender perspectives in the financial ecosystem of Ecuador


Strategy to incorporate gender perspectives in the financial ecosystem of Ecuador

ACRUX & UN WOMEN - Ecuador

In partnership with Acrux and UN Women, Pro Mujer prepared a strategy to incorporate the gender perspective in Ecuador’s financial ecosystem of impact investment.

Mapping the situation of impactful investments with gender perspectives in Uruguay


Mapping the situation of impactful investments with gender perspectives in Uruguay

ACRUX & UN WOMEN - Uruguay

This study was part of the UN Women program “Win-Win: Gender Equality Means Good Business” and was led, among others, by María Laura Tinelli, Director of Acrux Partners and Strategic Business Development Manager at Pro Mujer. The specialists explored the status of gender lens investment in Uruguay and its challenges and barriers.

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Economic Empowerment Program for Women and Small Businesses


Economic Empowerment Program for Women and Small Businesses


Pro Mujer worked with Coca-Cola Mexico to provide support and advise on gender perspectives in the value chain. We held workshops regarding the basic principles to incorporate the gender perspective in the value chain for Coca-Cola and its bottlers. A specialized content on gender perspective for microentrepreneurs (shopkeepers) was also developed.

In partnership with the Coca-Cola Foundation and Fundes, we created the Economic Empowerment Program for Women and Small Businesses, and the gender lens was implemented. In its first five months of implementation, the program reached more than 16,000 shopkeepers.

Rethink Pink


Rethink Pink


Within the framework of SEDAL’s “Repensemos el Rosado” (in English, “Rethink Pink”) campaign, Pro Mujer assisted in the use of inclusive communication for the different actions of the campaign. We provided four mentoring sessions aimed at spokespersons, staff, and campaign ambassadors. Basic concepts on gender and intersectionality, gender gaps, gender hub, gender-based violence, and inclusive language were discussed.


Ilu Women’s Empowerment Program


Mainstreaming Gender Smart Investment Strategies among Institutional and Commercial Investors in Latin America


Financing instruments for women entrepreneurs and companies led by women in LAC


Strategy to incorporate gender perspectives in the financial ecosystem of Bolivia


Mapping of investments with gender perspectives in Chile


Strategy to incorporate gender perspectives in the financial ecosystem of Ecuador


Mapping the situation of impactful investments with gender perspectives in Uruguay


Economic Empowerment Program for Women and Small Businesses


Rethink Pink

Gender Lens Investing

Pro Mujer strengthens the gender hub ecosystem in Latin America by creating investment strategies and sharing best practices with other investors that want to create impactful social change.

Investing with a gender perspective or Gender Hub (GLI) is the process that incorporates a gender analysis when investing to ensure that the injected capital not only generates financial returns but also contributes to greater equality and the closing of gender gaps.

This practice has become increasingly relevant in the financial ecosystem because it has proven to be a powerful tool for the advancement of gender equity, which has a positive effect on the performance of companies and, therefore, a better return on investments.

The GLI Forum LATAM is Pro Mujer’s annual conference that connects the investing and entrepreneurial world with key players in one unique event. The Forum promotes conversations that position gender lens investment in Latin America as an effective mechanism to:


  • Close gender gaps and move towards equity
  • Create value and profitability for investors and the economies of the region.


It is a unique opportunity to share information on GLI, bringing together dozens of experts from Latin America and the world. More than 2,000 people participated in the GLI Forum LATAM 2021.

Curious about how 2022 will look?


If you are interested in participating in GLI FORUM 2022 as a sponsor, contact us at We are eager to receive your message!


GLI FORUM 2021 Report

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Mainstreaming Gender Smart Investment Strategies among Institutional and Commercial Investors in Latin America

Pro Mujer and Acrux Partners -with the support of USAID via DAI/Invest- have teamed up to catalyze investment towards achieving gender balance and equity in the financial sector. The project focuses mainly on supporting mainstream financial sector players in co-creating innovative, tailor-made solutions to increase diverse women’s access to capital and decision-making roles, improve gender equity in the workplace, and support investors in developing and adapting gender smart investment strategies.


March 2021

Serving the Missing Middle with a Gender Lens: The VIWALA Story

Pro Mujer and New Ventures joined forces to apply for project funding to explore the possibilities offered by revenue-based lending, with Pro Mujer contributing expertise on gender equality and women’s economic empowerment and New Ventures contributing expertise regarding accelerating and investing in projects with social and environmental impact.

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June, 2021

Mapping the situation of impact investments with a gender perspective in Uruguay: opportunities and challenges

This study was part of the UN Women program “Win-Win: Gender Equality Means Good Business” and was led, among others, by María Laura Tinelli, Director of Acrux Partners and Strategic Business Development Manager at Pro Mujer. In this report the specialists explored the status of gender lens investment in Uruguay and its challenges and barriers.

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July, 2021

Mapping the situation of impact investments with a gender perspective in Chile: opportunities and challenges

This study was part of the UN Women program “Win-Win: Gender Equality Means Good Business” and was led, among others, by María Laura Tinelli, Director of Acrux Partners and Strategic Business Development Manager at Pro Mujer. The report identifies the gender lens instruments available in Chile and how they measure their impact. It also analyses the challenges, needs, and barriers of entrepreneurs, SMEs, and MSMEs led by women or that positively affect women’s possibilities of accessing the financial system.

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Bridging the Gap between Women Entrepreneurs and Investors in Mexico

This report is the outcome of a Capstone consulting project undertaken by a graduate student team from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. The report was produced for Pro Mujer, with the aim of identifying the gaps in financing for women-owned businesses in Latin America, specifically Mexico, and provide actionable recommendations to bridge that gap between investors and women entrepreneurs.

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Ilu Tool Box

Pro Mujer in partnership with Deetken Impact, with funding from USAID, created an open-source platform with over 30 resources to help companies address gender gaps and implement strategies to attract gender hub using four lenses.

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March 2021

Tips and Tricks for a Gender Inclusive Pitch

In order to deliver the most inclusive workshops for all our participants and to mainstream gender into our practices and programs, we have created a short guide for you to use as inspiration when preparing your content!

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