
Farmacias Chávez and Pro Mujer Partner to End Violence Against Women

11 febrero, 2022


According to the Survey of Prevalence and Characteristics of Violence carried out by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) in Bolivia in 2016, six out of ten women in situations of violence did not report instances of gender-based violence or take action to get out of a violent situation. To provide resources to these women, Farmacias Chávez, a regional pharmacy chain, and Pro Mujer partnered to promote #MujerSegura, a free helpline that provides advice and counseling to women in situations of violence. 

So far this year, there have been 97 survivors of gender-based violence in Bolivia, which is the equivalent of one femicide every three days. In fact, Bolivia has the highest rate of femicide in South America and the fourth highest in all of Latin America, with 124 cases of gender-based violence reported every day. 

To address this challenge, Farmacias Chávez is allowing Pro Mujer to spread information about the free #MujerSegura helpline through various communication channels in its over 100 different sales rooms across the nation. 

In its first year, the #MujerSegura helpline received more than 5,000 calls, providing free information and support to gender-based violence survivors.