Pro Mujer Bolivia Opens New Office to Manage Gender-Based Violence Cases
22 February, 2023

Gender-based violence is a global public health issue. The physical, economic, sexual,
psychological, and other harm that women experience just because they are women is not
only a human rights violation but also limits women’s ability to make decisions and impacts
their general well-being and development.
Bolivia has the highest femicide rate in South America and the fourth highest in Latin
America. According to data published by the Public Prosecutor’s Office in 2022, the number
of women experiencing violence has increased significantly.
● More than 90 femicides were recorded in 2022.
● Gender-based violence increased by 30% compared to 2021.
La Paz is one of the areas with the highest levels of gender-based violence in the country.
● There were 94 femicides recorded in 2022. The Attorney General’s Office reported
that La Paz had the highest number of cases, with 37 deaths.
● The Special Prosecutor’s Office for Crimes against Women and Children reported
that there were 37,998 reports of gender-based violence in the period from January
to October 2022.
● The most complaints were filed in Santa Cruz (13,899) and La Paz (8,157).
In the face of this crisis, Pro Mujer incorporated preventing gender-based violence as a
priority focus to strengthen the organization’s comprehensive and holistic approach to
expand women’s access to healthcare services, increase their financial inclusion, and
provide them with skilling opportunities.

“The idea is to provide guidance, information, and support to women experiencing violence,”
said Delia Pereira, head of the Mujer Segura program. “We know how important it is to
stand alongside these women and provide personalized and professional in-person care and
support. We are proud to have opened a new Pro Mujer office in Villa Fátima, La Paz, on
November 25 to welcome women in need and support them.”
The Mujer Segura program was created in 2020 during the initial COVID-19 crisis, during
which gender-based violence skyrocketed, with 113 femicides reported to the Attorney
General’s Office.
The program started as a free hotline designed to provide support, guidance, and counseling
to women in situations of violence. In September 2021, physical Mujer Segura offices were
opened in La Paz and El Alto, and the new branch office in Villa Fátima opened in 2022.
Since its launch, the Mujer Segura hotline has received over 8,500 calls.
Of all the calls received in 2022, 5% of women were referred to legal support, and 16% were
referred to community health workers trained to prevent gender-based violence. An
additional 1,600 women received support at the Mujer Segura offices. Of these, 45% of
women sought counseling, and 55% accessed support and guidance to help break the cycle
of violence.
800102414 – Free and confidential hotlin

El Alto
• Pro Mujer Juan Pablo II: Av. del Arquitecto N°20, Urbanización Ferropetrol
• Pro Mujer Senkata: Av. 6 de Marzo N°4774, Urbanización Panorámica, Senkata
La Paz
• Pro Mujer 3 de Mayo: Av. de las Delicias N°1370, Villa Fátima