
Emprende Pro Mujer Trained More than 26,000 Women Entrepreneurs in 2022

22 February, 2023


Latin America represents an incredible opportunity to promote women-led businesses. According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, there are more than 7 million micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the region, 50% of which are women-led, making Latin America the region with the most women-led businesses in the world.

Although Latin America is the third largest impact investment destination in the world and an important pillar of microfinance, most women-led MSMEs remain in the informal market, trapped in a negative cycle of short-term financing.

With this in mind, Pro Mujer developed Emprende Pro Mujer, an online platform that supports women entrepreneurs as they work towards economic prosperity. 

The platform offers access to educational content focused on relevant digital, management, finance, sales, and personal development skills adapted to the stage of their business. Emprende Pro Mujer users can also connect with a network of other entrepreneurs and business leaders.

In 2022, Emprende Pro Mujer reached more than 26,000 women in 23 countries in Latin America through its online training programs for women entrepreneurs.

  • More than 10,000 women completed the Emprende Pro Mujer online programs.
  • More than 800 women received the Tod@s Digitales certification.
  • A total of 990 women from Southeast Mexico completed the Comienza tu Negocio hybrid program.

Tod@s Digitales

As part of our efforts to expand our reach in 2022, we created Tod@s Digitales, an online program that seeks to improve the skills of women entrepreneurs through financial and technical education.

The program includes a series of digital skills trainings designed for mobile that offer women entrepreneurs access to simple and applicable tools to boost business and increase sales.

The Tod@s Digitales program reached 1,400 women entrepreneurs in 19 countries.

Southeast Mexico 

In Mexico, the states of Chiapas, Oaxaca, Yucatan, Campeche, and Tabasco are home to 44% of Indigenous women, the population with the most significant social, employment, and economic challenges in the country. 

Estimates published by social development watchdog Coneval show that 6 in 10 women in Southeast Mexico live in poverty, and the employment gap between men and women reaches 36 percentage points (INEGI). Yet there’s enormous potential in the region thanks to new ideas from local leaders.

A total of 1,114 women in the region participated in the Comienza tu Negocio hybrid program, the second module in our entrepreneurship program, and 990 completed the program and received the corresponding certification, representing an 89% graduation rate.

The program was designed using an intersectional perspective to address the particular needs of local women entrepreneurs. Much of the program’s success is thanks to the Pro Mujer facilitators, who adapt their work to the specific contexts of each state and provide close and empathetic support to women in the region.

Comienza tu Negocio was highly effective, with 99% of participants reporting that the program helped them implement multiple improvements to their businesses. 

  • 34% of women increased the use of digital business tools.
  • 62% of women started to track their cash flow.
  • 54% of women established a monthly budget for their business.
  • 50% of women reported improved self-esteem.
  • 99% of women believed that the program helped them improve their businesses.
  • 70% of women started implementing plans to reach their business goals.

In 2022, thanks to Pro Mujer’s increased presence in the area and impactful partnerships with local allies, Emprende Pro Mujer became a powerful tool to help unleash the potential of Latin American women. 2023 will be a year of additional expansion and growth, during which we will focus on bringing our holistic model to every corner of the region.