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Health Packages

We offer high-quality and low-cost specialized health services.

Health Campaigns
Women can access free basic health screenings to identify common risk factors and raise awareness of health issues.
Digital Health Initiatives
We launched telemedicine resources, online counseling services, and three health chatbots:
• Breast Cancer and mammogram results
• Sexual and reproductive health
• Diabetes
Primary Care Services
We offer high quality primary health care services, including personalized health education, screening tests, treatment, and referrals to specialists if necessary.
Breast Cancer Support Programs
Our breast cancer awareness campaigns and initiatives offer access to timely detection and treatment services, as well as guidance, counseling, and emotional support during the treatment process.
Community Health Programs
Pro Mujer has trained more than 250 Community Health Workers. These women perform basic health screenings to identify people at risk of developing chronic health issues, refer community members to other health services as needed, and follow up on a case-by-case basis.
Gender-Based Violence Initiatives
We offer care and counseling to women survivors of gender-based violence and implement regional awareness campaigns.
• In 2022, we reached 37,000+ people through programs to raise awareness of and prevent gender-based violence.


During our 33 years of operations we have provided 10 million health services

In 2022 we:

Pap smears
Breast exams
Blood pressure screenings
Glucose tests
Diabetes risk assessments
Health services

Celia Aro Limachi - Community Health Worker, Pro Mujer Bolivia

“I first started working with Pro Mujer when I joined a community bank. Then, I decided to join the amazing health area to help people with limited resources, who don't have a lot, to help them access health services. For me, the greatest thing is when we go to really rural areas, and everyone gives us such a warm welcome. And truly, the greatest thing is when someone just says thank you, thank you for caring, for taking care of my health, that's the best possible feeling”.

Celia Aro Limachi - Community Health Worker, Pro Mujer Bolivia

“I first started working with Pro Mujer when I joined a community bank. Then, I decided to join the amazing health area to help people with limited resources, who don't have a lot, to help them access health services. For me, the greatest thing is when we go to really rural areas, and everyone gives us such a warm welcome. And truly, the greatest thing is when someone just says thank you, thank you for caring, for taking care of my health, that's the best possible feeling”.

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