Grupo Bimbo reaffirmed its social commitment by joining forces with Pro Mujer to transform the reality of entrepreneurial women in Latin America.
Bimbo’s corporate social responsibility program, Good Neighbor, creates and strengthens ties with communities located near its operations. It promotes projects aimed at well-being, education, and the environment as well as diversity and inclusion, thus aligning itself with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the 2030 Global Agenda.
The SDG 2024 Report reveals that only 17% of global goals are on track to be met. In Latin America and the Caribbean, only 22% of the SDGs will be achieved by 2030, while 46% are moving in the right direction, albeit not fast enough, and the remaining 32% will not be achieved without massive investment and expanded action. This scenario reinforces the urgency of intersectoral collaborations such as the partnership between Bimbo and Pro Mujer.
Together, the organizations reached more than 50 female store owners in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Peru, giving them a unique opportunity to develop their entrepreneurial skills.
The participants received scholarships to access the virtual training sessions of Emprende Pro Mujer, an educational platform that has reached more than 100,000 women who seek economic prosperity through their ventures, and that takes on the challenge of providing skills development with a gender focus.
A special draw will soon be held among the 50 participating women: The winner will be able to personalize her store with the brand’s identity, improving its image and attracting more customers.
The partnership not only seeks to have a short-term impact but also to create a multiplier effect by placing women as agents of change in their communities. Grupo Bimbo and Pro Mujer are demonstrating how strategic collaboration between companies and social organizations can accelerate progress toward the SDGs while promoting women’s inclusion and empowerment.