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Pro Mujer and Walmart Foundation Join Forces to Transform the Lives of Female Smallholder Farmers in Southeast Mexico

In Mexico, 23% of the female population lives in rural areas and is responsible for more than 50% of food production (National Institute of Women). Despite the fundamental role women play in agriculture, they face structural inequalities that limit their participation, recognition, and full appreciation of their work, disproportionately suffering from various aspects of poverty: According to national data, 6 out of 10 rural women live in conditions of vulnerability.

In this context, Pro Mujer has built a transformative initiative aimed at executing comprehensive and concrete solutions to the challenges faced by female Smallholder Farmers residing in the Southeast of Mexico, mainly in Chiapas and Oaxaca, the two states with the highest proportion of women in rural localities.

Thanks to a donation from Walmart Foundation, over 18 months, the goal is to provide training and skill development opportunities for women who are part of the coffee and cocoa value chains.

Through the entrepreneurial training platform, Emprende Pro Mujer, more than 200 women dedicated to agriculture will acquire core skills for the effective management and development of their activities. The hybrid model, designed with an intersectional lens that considers the situation of rural women, incorporates in-person training sessions, guided by expert facilitators in fieldwork, and digital sessions conducted through WhatsApp, the most accessible network for women with limited connectivity and digital skills. The content will address the main concerns and needs of female agricultural entrepreneurs, accompanying women on their learning journey.

Since its introduction to Southeast Mexico in 2022, the hybrid model has proven to be a high-impact model, evidenced by an evaluation conducted by Grupo Impacta: 84% of the women significantly improved their business practices, 75% of the users achieved an increase in their sales, and it is estimated that women will achieve a 21% increase in their income over the next 10 years.

Additionally, the Gender Knowledge Lab (GKL), Pro Mujer’s consulting area specialized in providing solutions that assist institutions in Latin America to integrate gender, diversity, and inclusion (GDI) policies into their operations, will strengthen the performance of 8 Agricultural Production Organizations (FPOs). Adapting its content to the sector will promote the incorporation of gender-sensitive practices in their internal and external operations.

“Achieving gender equality in the agricultural sector and empowering rural women is not only the right thing to do but is a fundamental ingredient in the fight against poverty, hunger, and malnutrition, key challenges highlighted in the Sustainable Development Goals 2030. With the right opportunities, women can reach their full potential, become agents of change for their communities, and inspire a transformation in the sector. At Pro Mujer, we appreciate the collaboration and support of the Walmart Foundation, which will enable a powerful social impact,” stated Carmen Correa, Pro Mujer’s CEO. 

About Pro Mujer

Pro Mujer is a non-profit social enterprise that for over 33 years has provided services and tools to women in Latin America so they can reach their full potential, improve their living conditions, and transform them into agents of change for their communities.

It operates through a holistic and integrated model that seeks to expand the access of women in the region to health services, increase their financial inclusion, and provide them with training opportunities.

Through a deep understanding of the most pressing needs faced by women in Latin America, Pro Mujer designs innovative programs that seek to address issues such as gender-based violence and the digital gender gap. Pro Mujer is a pioneer in the region in promoting and raising awareness about Gender Lens Investing as an effective mechanism to close gaps and boost company productivity.

Pro Mujer’s work is closely aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and offers tangible results in eight SDGs: 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, and 16.

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About the Walmart Foundation represents the philanthropic efforts of Walmart and the Walmart Foundation. By focusing where the business has unique strengths, works to tackle key social and environmental issues and collaborate with others to spark long lasting systemic change.

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