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Emprende Pro Mujer in Central America: One year strengthening entrepreneurs

Women are a force of great economic importance for Central America. In Guatemala, for instance, the rate of female business leadership comes to 9.6%, one of the highest globally (GEM), and, in El Salvador, women own 64% of microbusinesses and 29% of medium to large businesses (Conamype). In Honduras, 26.4% of women are currently working in commercial activities (SENPRENDE). 

However, gender gaps still limit women entrepreneurs’ access to financing and their ability to take advantage of technology to expand their businesses. At Pro Mujer, we are aware that over 80% of the women who decide to become entrepreneurs do so because of a lack of formal work and we are committed to providing training through Emprende Pro Mujer, to allow women to acquire digital, financial, leadership and management skills, with the goal of empowering their businesses and improving their quality of life.

After one year of operations, Pro Mujer has reached over 670 entrepreneurs in the northern triangle, which is composed of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, through the program’s hybrid model. With the aim of reaching women who are less digitalized and in vulnerable conditions, this model is based on complementing digital training with face-to-face meetings hosted by Pro Mujer facilitators.

In 2023, we worked alongside female entrepreneurs in Guatemala, in the departments of Chimaltenango, Jutiapa, El Progreso, Sacatepéquez, Quetzaltenango, and Huehuetenango, in the capital of Honduras, Tegucigalpa, and in El Salvador, in the departments of Santa Ana and San Salvador. Over 570 female entrepreneurs completed the program successfully, gaining skills for: 

  • attracting more clients and increasing sales;
  • managing their businesses and finances better;
  • using social networks and other digital tools;
  • strengthening their self-confidence and self-esteem.

In 2024, we are reasserting our commitment to promoting female entrepreneurship in the region, with 187 entrepreneurs graduating in the first quarter of the year. Likewise, with the support of great strategic allies in these countries, we can expand our reach and enhance the entrepreneurial capacity of Central American women. 

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