By | Fundación Reservas del país
With the goal of promoting the growth of microentrepreneurs in Santo Domingo Norte and providing a space for solidary credit entities to offer their products, Fundación Reservas del País hosted the Feria de Cooperativas y Asociaciones Aliadas (Allied Cooperatives and Associations Fair).
During her address, María Isabel Pérez, executive president of Fundación Reservas del País, highlighted the organization’s ongoing commitment to supporting the development of its borrowers and microentrepreneurs, through initiatives that drive economic development and contribute to a more dynamic financial landscape for various sectors, in the places where these individuals reside.
“One of our goals when presenting the services of cooperatives at this fair is for microentrepreneurs to look for ways to boost their companies through the different financial products offered by our lenders, allowing for healthy growth to improve their quality of life,” pointed out María Isabel Pérez.
The president then took the opportunity to thank the participating lenders for the credit facilities they offer, which have contributed to improving the living conditions of microentrepreneurs and of the communities where they operate.
During the event, Fundación Reservas del País highlighted the advantages of the institution’s financial products, which are offered through their allied lenders, such as Crédito Verde and Vivienda Productiva as well as through their alternative channels, technological applications (App Contable, App Educativa, Cosechas del País), and other training programs.
The well-attended event, which took place in Parque Ramón Matías Mella in the municipality of Villa Mella, included various workshops on finance, entrepreneurship, and children’s savings, as well as an agenda designed for the area’s microentrepreneurs. In addition to the children’s area, there was live music and an exhibition and tasting of various products.
The participating institutions in the fair included the cooperatives COOPCENTRAL, COOPECLOF, Fondo San Mateo, COOPASPIRE, COOPEMPRESARIAL, and Fundación Dominicana de Desarrollo (FDD, Dominican Development Foundation).
About Fundación Reservas del País
Fundación Reservas del País is a non-profit organization established in 2004, with a public nature and character, whose mission is to contribute to the financial, economic, social, and workforce inclusion of micro and small business units in the Dominican Republic, by providing financing, strengthening and sustainable development services and programs for solidary credit institutions. For more information, visit