Over the course of March, Pro Mujer held various health fairs in rural areas of Argentina, including the municipalities of Salta, Jujuy, and Tucumán. Participants had the opportunity to participate in talks and workshops on prevention and caring for their health.

In Salta, more than 50 inmates from the local women’s prison participated in the event. They received information on early detection, timely care, and risk factors associated with breast and cervical cancer, two types of cancer with high incidence rates in Argentina.
- Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for women in Argentina. Every year, 6,100 women are killed by this disease, and an estimated 22,000 new cases are diagnosed.
(Government of Argentina)
- Cervical cancer is the third most diagnosed cancer in Argentina, and it is estimated that 4,500 women are diagnosed with and 2,300 are killed by cervical cancer every year.
(Government of Argentina)
In line with Pro Mujer’s holistic and integrated model, women who attended the health fairs were also offered access to Emprende Pro Mujer, our entrepreneurship skilling program that supports women’s economic autonomy through entrepreneurship.
In Humahuaca, Jujuy, 17 women were able to access health services through their local community center, including health counseling, gynecological exams, breast exams, Pap smears, and free birth control.
In Salta and Jujuy, we held in-person gatherings to celebrate the conclusion of the health training implemented online in 2022. More than 80 women attended the meetings to receive their diplomas. Attendees also participated in raffles and were able to access vaccine services.
In Tucumán, Pro Mujer worked with two strategic partners, Hamburgo Seguros and the Centro de Diagnóstico Médico EMC, to implement an event with the City Council of San Miguel de Tucumán. Over 100 women participated in the event, which focused on raising awareness of the importance of healthy living and preventing disease. The women who had also joined the 2022 health fairs were also awarded certificates of participation. Women entrepreneurs who had benefited from Pro Mujer’s support and programming also shared their incredible stories.

“Getting started as a baker wasn’t easy. It all started because I loved cooking and preparing sweet treats for my family and friends. Little by little, I built up the courage to go for it. People started to get to know me, and the orders for holidays, events, and birthdays grew. My first big challenge was making the cake for my daughter’s 15th birthday. Pro Mujer gave me the push I needed to grow my business. With their support, my business has grown. Now, after 15 years, my business is stronger than ever, and I’m proud to have been able to support my family, pay for my children’s education, and provide them with jobs.” – Silvia Guzman, Pro Mujer Partner in Argentina.